Welcome to
Women's Health & Action Research Centre
WHARC is a non-governmental, non-profit organization established in 1993. It consists of a multi-disciplinary team of health, social science and legal professionals and researchers working together to build the knowledge base and to improve the policy environment for advancing women’s health in Africa. To date, the Centre has conducted formative and intervention research that documents the socio-cultural determinants of women’s health and that provides critical data for developing policies and programs for scaling up best practices relating to women’s health in the region.
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Some of Our
Programs & Initiatives
Accountability Project
Currently the unit is implementing a three year project titled Project to build accountability mechanisms for improving the quality of maternal health care and preventing maternal mortality.
Strategic Communication Project
Currently the unit is implementing a three year project titled Using Empirical Evidence to Scale-up Policies and Programs for Reducing Youth Vulnerability to Adverse Sexual and Reproductive Health. . .
Innovation for Maternal and Child Health in Africa
In Nigeria, only 65% of women receive antenatal care during pregnancy and less than one-third of Nigerian women receive skilled care during delivery.